Saturday, June 18, 2011

richmond steelers/oakland dynamite peewee promo tees

lets vibe to the memories of pee-wee football with the second and third entries to the rep your city line form distinguish'd minds clothing. all my late teens and older from the bay area already knows wsup when ever you hear the terms richmond steelers and/or oakland dynamites. the two major pee wee football teams have been around since before i can remember and are a collectible part of the hood classic struggle to keep kids off the streets.i myself personally was a baseball man, but the positive out look the inner city football leagues had on many of my folks were quite positive so we had to take the opportunity to commemorate and remind all of us older folks what the leagues did for us, after all i am an urban street wear designer, so i take every opportunity to bring you the streets, and remind you what your child hood was about, as well as trying to bring you some of the flyest designs.these tees will be sold at $22 dollars with a a secret discount code. designs are still coming fully together, this is just a first peel feel free to ask about color ways, shirt colors and etc. and always remember be proud of who you are where you are from and rep your city, but most importantly, "distinguish yourself form the rest."

 got a city that you rep that us over here at distinguish'd minds are forgetting about. got a whole city behind you that you know is ready to rep their city? contact us and lets put your city on the map today.

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